I'm a Software Engineer who's constantly learning
and extremely passionate about technology

Having recently graduated from California State University Fullerton with a degree in Computer Engineering, I'm looking to put my knowledge to use, all while gaining wisdom and experience with an exciting company.


Click the links for more information on each project.

Robotic Seeing Eye Dog

Senior project at CSUF. Built a robot that uses a GPS, an OpenMV maching vision camera, and many other sensors to guide the visually impaired.

  • GitHub
  • CSUF Article
  • Sorting Algorithm Visualizer

    Written in Javascript, HTML, CSS, and bootstrapped with React. Hosted on GitHub Pages. Click the link to play around with it!

  • GitHub
  • Sorting Visualizer
  • Space Invaders Clone

    Written in C++ using OpenGL, and utilizing GLFW/GLEW dependencies.

  • GitHub
  • Potentiometer To LCD

    Potentiometer input is converted to a readable format on a LCD screen. Connected to a MSP432 Microcontroller.

  • GitHub
  • Get In Touch